
“Exceptionally On Point – Truly Makes a Difference”

“In a sea of research products, Optimize Pensions stands out as being exceptionally timely, concise and on point. It is one of the few products that truly makes a difference for the user.”

— Ross Gascho, Fasken LLP

“A Super Service”

“Optimize Employment keeps me up to date on legislative changes in one quick stop, without overwhelming my email inbox. It’s a super service.”

– Jackie VanDerMeulen, Fasken LLP

“A Huge Time Saver”

“Optimize Pensions has become my top resource for staying current on pension law developments – a huge time saver!”

– Murray Campbell, Lawson Lundell LLP

“Translates Directly to Being a Well-Informed Lawyer”

“Receiving timely and thorough updates on legislative changes and case law with Optimize Pensions is not only handy, it translates directly to being a well-informed lawyer & providing superior service.”

– Clio Godkewitsch, Goldblatt Partners LLP

“Hot Off the Press Updates”

“Optimize Pensions provides “hot off the press” updates tailored for professionals working in the pension and benefits field… meaningful analysis of the case or change in legislation / policy allows me to quickly assess whether the update is critical to my practice and our clients or can be moved to my reading pile.”

– Terra Klinck, Brown Mills Klinck Prezioso LLP

“Makes it Easy to Stay Up to Date”

“Optimize Pensions makes it easy to ensure that you stay up to date on the latest legislative and case law developments impacting pensions and benefits across Canada.”

– Michael Mazzuca, Koskie Minsky LLP

“Timely & Concise Updates”

“By providing timely and concise updates about labour and employment developments across Canada, Optimize Employment makes it easier for me and my clients to stay up to date.”

– Shane Todd, Fasken LLP

“I Rely on Optimize Employment to Keep Current”

“Many of my clients have a national presence with employees in multiple Canadian jurisdictions. I rely on Optimize Employment to keep current on legislative and regulatory developments in order to be ready to provide timely and proactive advice.”

– Steven Dickie, Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP

“Number One Go-To Source for Current & Accurate Pension Industry Information”

“Optimize pensions is the best! It is my number one go-to source for current and accurate information in the pension industry.”

– Mitch Frazer, Torys LLP